4 Old HSK word(s): ** B ** C ** D ** D

Definitions from Unihan Copyright © 1991-2015 Unicode® Inc. All rights reserved.

dynasty / morning
steam, vapor / KangXi radical 84
type of raspberry / fairyland
suddenly, sudden, quick

Hsk Characters:

HSK -Characters and beyond:

from: Universala Vortaro, Zamenhof

amplena + + full of love + +
amplene + + full of love + +
arboplena + + full of trees + +
ĝojplena + + full of joy + +
historiplena + + full of history + + historic
ideoriĉa + + full of ideas + +
metaforriĉa + + full of images + +
plena de ĝojo + + full of joy + +
plena je + + full of + +
plena je ĝojo + + full of joy + +
plena je scivolo + + full of curiosity + +
signifoplene + + full of significance + + full of meaning
truplena + + full of holes + +
vivoforta + + full of life + + vital
vivoplena + + full of life + +
zorgoplena + + full of worry + +
zorgoplene + + full of worry + + worriedly

#amplena #full of love #amplene #full of love #arboplena #full of trees #ĝojplena #full of joy #historiplena #full of history #ideoriĉa #full of ideas #metaforriĉa #full of images #plena de ĝojo #full of joy #plena je #full of #plena je ĝojo #full of joy #plena je scivolo #full of curiosity #signifoplene #full of significance #truplena #full of holes #vivoforta #full of life #vivoplena #full of life #zorgoplena #full of worry #zorgoplene #full of worry
